Major League Baseball
Friday, September 30th 202219:07
9 Game 0
Toronto Blue Jays SPREAD -1.5 104
AVG SPREAD W%: 47.58 ROI: -11.47
Will Rogers W%: 58.33 ROI: 6.55 Jack Jones W%: 50.7 ROI: -4.75 Allen Eastman W%: 43.45 ROI: -15.01 Vernon Croy W%: 52.51 ROI: 0.5
Boston Red Sox SPREAD -124 1.5
Toronto Blue Jays MONEY -196
AVG MONEY W%: 58.39 ROI: 4.97
Advantage Squad W%: 52.94 ROI: -9.71 The Champ Team W%: 54.12 ROI: -2.8
Boston Red Sox MONEY 175
OVER 8.0 -107
UNDER O 8.0 -113

4 FirstFiveInnings 0
Toronto Blue Jays SPREAD -0.5 -125
Boston Red Sox SPREAD 105 0.5
Toronto Blue Jays MONEY -190
AVG MONEY W%: 48.96 ROI: -12.16
The $ Leaders W%: 48.96 ROI: -12.16
Boston Red Sox MONEY 165
OVER 4.5 -100
UNDER O 4.5 -120

1 FirstInning 0
Toronto Blue Jays SPREAD -0.5 220
Boston Red Sox SPREAD -300 0.5
Toronto Blue Jays MONEY 0
Boston Red Sox MONEY 0
OVER 1.5 225
UNDER O 1.5 -310