National Hockey League
Thursday, November 17th 202219:05
4 Game 1
Boston Bruins SPREAD -1.5 -130
AVG SPREAD W%: 59.39 ROI: 7.04
The Champ Team W%: 54.12 ROI: -2.8 Duck Investments W%: 50 ROI: -11.34 The Champ Picks W%: 61.54 ROI: 16.23 Extreme Sports Locks W%: 58.57 ROI: 1.13
Philadelphia Flyers SPREAD 110 1.5
Boston Bruins MONEY -340
Philadelphia Flyers MONEY 273
OVER 6.0 -120
UNDER O 6.0 -100

0 FirstPeriod 0
Boston Bruins SPREAD -0.5 105
Philadelphia Flyers SPREAD -125 0.5
Boston Bruins MONEY -235
Philadelphia Flyers MONEY 195
OVER 1.5 -145
UNDER O 1.5 125

1 SecondPeriod 0
Boston Bruins SPREAD -0.5 -110
Philadelphia Flyers SPREAD -115 0.5
Boston Bruins MONEY -255
Philadelphia Flyers MONEY 200
OVER 1.5 -200
UNDER O 1.5 160

3 ThirdPeriod 1
Boston Bruins SPREAD -0.5 -120
Philadelphia Flyers SPREAD -105 0.5
Boston Bruins MONEY -270
Philadelphia Flyers MONEY 212
OVER 1.5 -202
UNDER O 1.5 162

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